Wartsila Spare Parts Supplier | Ship Machinery | Used Recondition Wartsila Spare Parts Supplier

Wartsila Spare Parts Supplier

About Wärtsilä Company

As per details available on Wikipedia, Wärtsilä is a Finnish corporation which manufactures and services power sources and other equipment in the marine and energy markets. The core products of Wärtsilä include large combustion engines used in cruise ships and ferries. As of 2017 the company employed close to 18,000 workers.
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About Us

We specialize in supply of used / reconditioned and unused spare parts for all type Wartsila Marine Engines and Generators.

Wartsila used reconditioned spare parts and engines

About Company Page

We are based at Mumbai, India. All parts and engines /generators are sourced from ship recycling yards. 

The sourced parts / engines / generators are fully tested by professional marine engineers before dispatching to our valued client.

On request, we arrange for third part inspection / survey certificate for the required part / engine / generator for the ship.


What we offer complete solution for all type reconditioned and used spares parts for Wartsila Main Engine and Marine Generators.

Also provide maintenance and overhauling services to engines and generators

You can use the search box, located on the right top side of the page, to search your required spare parts or engine/generator availability in our stock.


What we have

Wartsila Spare Parts
Wartsila Engine Parts
We supply Spares for all type Wartsila Engines
Wartsila 38 Spare Parts
Wartsila 38
Avalable Used Recondition Spare Parts
Wartsila Marine Generators
Wartsila Marine Generator
Wartsila Power Plants

All manufacturers' names, numbers, symbols and descriptions are used for reference purposes only, and all listed is the product of sole manufacturers.For more details kindly read our Disclaimer Policy.
We are independent regular suppliers and Exporters of Ship Machinery, Marine Diesel Engines, Marine Diesel Generators and Used Reconditioned unused Spare Parts for all types ship machinery. The Ship Machinery, Engine and generators along with spare parts supplied by us are sourced from ship at ship recycling / ship breaking yards in India and are fully tested by skilled professional engineers before supplying to our valued customers around the globe.

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