Wartsila Vasa 6R32 Marine Motor and Spare Parts Supplier
Best Offer Wartsila -
by Naik,
Dec 12, 2018>
VASAR32by Naik,
Dec 12, 2018>
Wartsila 6R32 Marine Moteur Spares
Rated 4.0/5 based on 11 customer reviews
We supply complete marine motor Wartsila Vasa 6R32 sourced from ship breaking yards.
The marine motor also available with all accessories on demand. The details of available Wartsila Vasa Marine Motor and Generator is as below
We also supply major used reconditioned spare parts for Wartsila Vasa 6R32 marine motor engine. Currently available in stock following spares and for sale
The marine motor also available with all accessories on demand. The details of available Wartsila Vasa Marine Motor and Generator is as below
Make : Wartsila
Type : 6R32
RPM : 720
Power : 2220 Kw
KVA : 2670
Condition : Working
We also supply major used reconditioned spare parts for Wartsila Vasa 6R32 marine motor engine. Currently available in stock following spares and for sale
Cylinder Head
Cylinder Liner
Piston Rings
Fuel Pump
Connecting Rods
Engine Bearing
Valve Cage
Fuel Injectors
Valve Rotators
Cylinder Block
These are some of the parts from our regular maintained stock. For more details do contact us.
Wartsila 6R32 Marine Moteur Spares
Manufactured by: Wartsila
Model: 6R32
Product ID: 6R32
Wartsila 6R32 Marine Motori Engine Spare Parts for Sale -
by Naik,
Dec 11, 2018
by Naik,
Dec 11, 2018
Wartsila SACM
käytetty Wartsila-merimoottori, joka on peräisin laivan purkamisesta
Se usó un motor marino Wartsila procedente del desguace de barcos que rompió los patios
Raghu R Naik
Written by:
Moteur marin d'occasion Wartsila provenant de chantiers de démantèlement de navires
Date published: 12/11/2018
4.9 / 5 stars
61.9241° N
25.7482° E
25.7482° E
folosit motorul marin Wartsila, provenit din șantierele de dezmembrare a navelor
선박에서 해체 된 야드를 해체 한 Wartsila 선박 엔진 사용
χρησιμοποίησε τον θαλάσσιο κινητήρα Wartsila που προέρχεται από την αποσυναρμολόγηση των πλοίων
magna tal-baħar Wartsila użata minn sorsi ta 'tkissir tal-bastimenti li jkissru
použil Wartsilský námorný motor pochádzajúci z demontáže lodí rozbitých lodeníc
gebruikte Wartsila-scheepsmotor, afkomstig van scheepsontmantelings-brekende scheepswerven
usato il motore marino Wartsila proveniente dai cantieri di smantellamento delle navi