CAT 3508
CAT 3508
All major spare parts for CAT 3508 engine are also available along with complete engine and generator in working condition and can be directly installed.We currently have in stock CAT 3508 marine engine, marine genertor and major spare parts for overhauling and are available for used reconditioned as wellas unused.
Also in stock available all type caterpillar marine engine spares parts and other major electric parts which are in working condition and we can supply these parts and accessories with proper testing and guarantees.
Kindly contact us with all your requirements of Reconditioned caterpillar marine engine, marine generator and spare parts along with electric accessories.
We source these cat engines and accessories directly from ship recycling yards in India.
Send us your interest by mail or WhatsApp to our provided contact details below and we will submit you the details as per the required parts or engine you are interested in.
Subjected to being unsold.
Manufactured by: Marine CAT
Model: CAT 3508
Product ID: Generator
Caterpillar marine motor and Spare Parts supply